Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dance Central (Kinect - Xbox)

What a fun game!  =D

The game is very well structured to please from the most basic dancer to those who have been dancing since forever. If you are really basic they even brake the choreography down for you and show the movement a few times, until you get it. Then they put a few moves together so you get the idea of the sequence and get you ready to the full song.

Another nice thing is that they made the list of songs sorted by difficulty, but in each song you can choose the level of difficulty for that song as well. So even if you choose an easy song (and turns out it's too easy for you), you can choose a harder mode for that specific song.
I don't think it means that if you choose a song that is rated "hard" and choose the easiest level for that song, it would be actually easy... 

The songs selections is fair. I believe they will keep adding songs in their updates (or at least I hope so).

There are quite a few characters for you to chose from (the dancer) as well as venues. You can also select "random" for a party, so you don't have to change characters for each person or keep watching the same dancer (and lines...  they always say the same things at the end of the song).
That's one thing about games (all of them) that I don't get...  Why do they always have to keep repeating the same lines?!

Something interesting for those who like to add fun to workout: the game has a workout mode that counts the calories burned during each song danced. It counts calories per song, not per time. That's really cool!

Pros: lots of fun, good for all levels of dancers, workout mode.
Cons: nothing.

Wife's score: 10/10