Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Kinectmals (Kinect)

What a cute game!
Very nice game for small children.

The intro is very long but it makes sense that it spends so much time in explaining every detail of the game for the little ones.

I first thought that it was just a pet that would interact with me while I petted and bathed it (like the Eye Pet for PS3 Move) but turns out it is an actual game with achievements and missions.

The graphics are pretty good and the reactions of the animals are impressive. If you have or ever had a cat you'll understand what I mean. The sounds that they do when playing or being petted and where the sounds comes from in their body (yes, that good) made my cats pay attention to the TV for the 1st time EVER.

About the game itself, as you do what you're asked to do you get more toys to play with your pet and you can always stop whatever you're doing to pet or play with it. You just hold your right hand to the side and choose a toy from the 'toy box'.
You can throw balls, rubber bears, choose the brush to clean your animal, etc.  It's really cool.

Pros: very good for small children, impressive interaction
Cons: long intro

Wife score: 8/10

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